Pictures are worth a thousand words right? So, let me save my breath and show you what I'm referring to:

Thanks Bobbo!
All about RC! Cars, Helicopters and Airplanes!
Today at around 11am I maidened the converted Mojo 3D profile plane that I blogged about earlier.
Here's what I flew with today:
With this setup my power meter read 61 amps WOT and 948 watts!At 4.5lbs that about 210 watts/lb - extreme aerobatics requires about 130 watts/lb. It's always nice to have that reserve power. I ALWAYS prefer over-powered versus under-powered.
I flew with barely any trim adjustments (thanks Bob K. for the sharp eyes on the aileron settings and with the assist on the mechanical adjustments). With just under 4 minutes of flight time I consumed 1000mAh out of one pack and 954mAh out of another pack. 5-6 minutes of aerobatics is going to be a safe range.
Take off and landing were uneventful - which is EXACTLY what I was shooting for!
Today was another fun-filled plane-building day. Below are the specs on this particular plane:
End result: 1870g (4.2lbs) thrust with this setup at 700+ watts!!!
Hyperion Sukhoi build log in German: